10 SEO positioning trends 2021

Google is constantly updating its algorithms and modifying, to a greater or lesser extent, the “rules of the game” in terms of SEO positioning.

Its last major change was in December 2020 , after two major updates during the year. Why should you care? Because changes to the methods for crawling and organizing web content in the search engine can affect your site’s visibility.

Therefore, taking into account the latest SEO trends is not only a great option, but a decisive step.

What’s coming up in 2021? What projections should you consider to improve your organic positioning? Below is a list of 10 guidelines that will guide the execution of SEO.

1. Artificial intelligence will occupy a primary place

RankBrain is an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm denmark phone number data from Google that was introduced in 2015, and that plays an important role in the SERP search engine ranking factors .

It delves into the experience signals that the user reveals from their search, and learns from them on its own.

In this way, the algorithm can be based on factors such as click-through rate and time spent on your site. Its goal: to understand the user’s search context.

For this reason, the SEO positioning techniques developed must focus on making the search experience captivating, through content that stands out for its usefulness and whose web design facilitates navigation.

2. Mobile content becomes a necessity

Internet traffic via devices other than computers is growing by leaps and bounds. In fact, global mobile data traffic is expected to grow almost sevenfold between 2017 and 2022.

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Google knows this and recently implemented “ mobile-first ej leads indexing ,” meaning it “looks” at the mobile version of your site before the desktop version.

This trend will be one of the pillars of SEO positioning, so your efforts should be focused on offering good adaptability of your content in this format.

3. Google Discover? It’s time for you to get to know it 

Among the SEO trends 2021 that stand out for the use of artificial intelligence is Google Discover.

What is it? It is a tool – available in the Google app – that 8 signs that you need an seo audit eliminates the need for users to make queries, since, based on the information collected about their behavior patterns, it identifies content that may interest them in a predictive manner.

If your content optimization is efficient and meets the quality requirements of search engines, you will appear by default.

4. The trend of the stories format

An interesting trend is the massification of Google Web Stories. Their format is similar to that of Instagram stories, and for the moment they are only visible on the mobile version of Google.

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