5 Signs of Instagram Blogger’s Followers being Boosted


There are many paid services on the Internet for such a check. Let’s consider a free version of such an analysis: 5 signs of a fake Instagram account.

The blogger himself approaches you with an initiative for barter

Bloggers with a real loyal audience value their time. Even whatsapp data opinion leaders with a small number of subscribers have planning and a content plan. Signing up for a post  is a common practice, and with big bloggers you can sign up for more than a month.

If a blogger writes to you with an offer (or even persuasion) for barter  ,  this is a reason to be wary. There is a high probability that after sending the goods by barter, the blogger will disappear without having posted an advertising post or story.

 Blogger Disappears After Receiving Goods

The blogger has a bad reputation in the professional community

You can check whether the chosen blogger has let down their advertisers on the GetBlogger platform or in the Instagram Chat chat in Telegram. It is a good idea to read reviews before paying for advertising  . Read how conscientiously the opinion leader fulfills their obligations, whether they meet of many, this communication is deadlines and how quickly they provide statistics on the advertising post. If the blogger has failed to comply with the terms of the contract at least once, think about whether it is worth giving money to such a moody person.

Screenshot from the chat with a review of the blogger from Figure 1

Similar comments under posts

If you go to the post of any famous blogger, you will see that there can be no absolutely positive opinion about a famous person. Under any post, you will find both positive and contact listsnegative comments. Bloggers who have used cheating and chat bots have comments that look uniform and exceptionally good. “Cool,” “Good post,” “Wow!”  are  clearly not the kind of things that real and involved users write. Comments should contain discussions, questions, comments, and even advertising  —  that’s how real people communicate, not cheated bots.

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