What can you learn from your competitors’ SEO analysis

In the world of digital marketing , competition can be your best ally. That is, through an SEO analysis you can apply or improve those techniques that are giving you good results and eliminate those that are not so beneficial when it comes to organic positioning.

First of all, you need to know that a keyword in the world of SEO is a phrase that describes a product or service. The visibility of your advertising campaign will depend on the quality and relevance of these phrases.

Behavior of keywords in search engines

Now that you know what keywords are , always look for those that have the most potential to reach your target audience. As well as those that lead you to an audience with a higher dominican republic phone number data probability of becoming your clients.

When people search for a term that interests them, search engines themselves display a list of the sites that best fit that search.

Of course, the  best positioned site in the ranking of that search engine is the one that best “used” the relevant term or its matching term. Therefore, if you carry out a prior study of the key words , you will have more opportunities to be at the top.

 Which keyword research methods are best?

You’ve probably heard different versions about the best way to search for keywords . Well, yes, there are many methods that can help you choose the one that best suits your needs.

Without further ado, a very effective method is through free ej leads tools that are worth knowing as soon as possible. Here we will tell you which ones they are:


This powerful SEO tool allows you to access a keyword database with over  16 billion options . This way, you can create new ideas for your content, always around the theme that best suits your audience.

 Keyword Tool

The tool on this site is the best alternative to Google’s keyword planner for conducting research.

Generates over 750 suggestions for relevant long-tail phrases for each search term. It’s a free tool, even without prior registration.

Keyword analysis

Once you have clearly identified your niche competitors, you need to know which keywords are giving them good results. In this case, a correct SEO analysis of a competitor’s page can be essential.

If you’ve decided to analyze your competitors’ keywords, the best tools that you shouldn’t ignore for any reason are: SEMrush and Ahrefs . These allow you to know more about the keywords and domains that are generating the most traffic.

If you have already managed to determine which of your what can you learn from your competitors’ seo analysis competitors is ranked best in search engines, you can take their domain and enter it into a tool such as Ubersuggest. With it, you can immediately find out which keywords are giving your main competitor the most unpaid traffic.

Try to always apply this method to analyze how your competition is doing; but, remember not to compete with the giants of your niche, that is, compete with the sites or blogs that have a rank like yours.

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