eCommerce in Peru: 5 keys to increasing sales

With the increase in digital penetration! e-commerce has been gaining ground in recent years. In fact! according to data from the Mercado Libre platform! eight out of ten Latin Americans bought online at least once in 2019 ! and in the midst of the pandemic! in 2020! more than 1.7 million users joined digital purchases in LATAM. Likewise! this company predicts that eCommerce will register growth rates close to 40% by 2023! however! for eCommerce in Peru this prediction came true in the middle of 2020! where it is expected to close the year with a growth between 70% to 90%.

At the national level! there is also a constant rise! mainly due to the coronavirus pandemic! which has boosted consumption at home and through digital channels. The Peruvian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CAPECE) recorded a 240% increase in online transactions between March and May 2020. In addition! the same entity predicts a 300% increase for the Christmas season.

Given this eCommerce boom in Peru (and around the world)! if you are part of the marketing industry! you need to know how to boost your company’s online performance. To achieve this! you need to know five key strategies that will allow you to increase sales and at the same time build a strong bond with your consumers.

5 keys to increase sales

1. Establish alliances with banks or card providers 

The health crisis has also had economic consequences for el salvador phone number data society! such as job losses and salary reductions. As a result! people are more concerned about their pockets. In June! a report by the consultancy Kantar found that 67% of Peruvian households would look for more offers and promotions as a way to generate savings . 

In this situation! one option that may be useful is to establish alliances with banks! fintechs or card providers to create promotions and discounts that captivate those people who are looking to avoid overspending.

2. Offer alternative financing

Although CAPECE states that 63% of online purchases in Peru are made with credit cards! you should consider that only 9% of adults have one. Therefore! you have to focus on offering more payment options! since according to this entity! giving access to financing for online purchases to the unbanked population can increase the value of virtual purchase tickets by up to 87%.

3. Manage SEO with quality content

In July! Linkedin released a survey in which it found that the ej leads main concern for more than a third (34%) of marketing executives worldwide was budget cuts caused by the crisis.

In this context! focusing on organic positioning is vital given the lack of resources. One alternative you can choose is to create an online sales blog in which you incorporate content that is relevant to your audience. 

Today! learning how to position yourself and sell organically can be easier than you think. In fact! you can do it online and for free. Companies like Google offer digital marketing courses that you can take or use to train your team on topics such as developing an online sales blog! creating digital strategies! or long-term planning on social media.

However! it is important to consider that your sales channel must also have good customer service and professional inventory and invoice tracking.

4. Target a young audience: the one that buys the most online

If you are present in digital channels! you should know seo positioning: how to improve non-optimized content that younger generations are the ones that most use eCommerce in Peru .

5. Offer products that meet the needs of this time

If your organization has the possibility of expanding its eCommerce product offering in Peru! one alternative to increase sales is to focus on those 


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