What is YouTube SEO and why do you need it

Nearly 2 billion users worldwide turn to YouTube every month to watch videos! tutorials and other content. And even though this number is so significant! not everyone is aware of the impact that this social network could have on their marketing campaigns. But what is YouTube SEO! and how does it affect an organic positioning strategy?

Did you know that 62% of businesses share content through YouTube ? This has made it the second most important platform for businesses sharing videos ! only surpassed by Facebook. That is why you should know what SEO is on YouTube and how it works. 

What is SEO on YouTube?

YouTube SEO is the application of a series of techniques that can position a channel or video on YouTube! so that it not only gets traffic and visibility! but also generates subscribers and ranks. 

When it comes to actions to attract organic traffic ! it is essential to pay attention to details! and although creativity! video content and quality are extremely important! a successful YouTube SEO checklist also includes keywords! links! descriptions! titles! tags and more.

Why include YouTube in your global marketing strategy?

Searchmetrics annually conducts the SEO World Ranking in 16 countries worldwide! and to the surprise of many! in 2020 YouTube surpassed Facebook and positioned itself as the second domain with the highest visibility within Google’s organic results! being surpassed only by Wikipedia. 

This means that a well-optimized YouTube video can be germany phone number data successful both on and off the platform! and if that’s not a compelling enough reason to include YouTube in your overall strategy! we don’t know what is. 

How does the YouTube algorithm work?

Like all algorithms! it is a system that determines which videos users prefer. Now! one of the things that makes YouTube so special is that it makes sure that each suggestion fits the user’s preferences! and to achieve this it collects information about the videos they watch! the time they spend doing so! the ej leads likes and dislikes and the “I’m not interested.”

The video platform’s algorithm acts very similarly to Google’s in terms of SEO positioning! taking into account the relevance! quality of the video and its metadata (and how it matches the search) and! of course! engagement.

That is why! in order to use YouTube as a global marketing strategy! you must pay attention to the key points.

YouTube SEO Checklist

1. The Keywords

Keywords are very important in YouTube SEO! as they wil gregory jacobson ceo help you organize and better focus your content. Conduct research using keyword analysis tools and consider what terms users use to search for content? And what keywords do successful companies include in their videos  ?

2. The relevance of the links

Synergy between all platforms is achieved through links. You can place them from a video to your website! and they will help users get to know your brand. On the other hand! don’t be afraid to share your videos on social networks or your social networks through your videos. 


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