SEO positioning is one of the most widely used strategies to generate traffic to websites and! in case you didn’t know! it is also very useful for e-commerce.
SEO positioning is one of the most widely used strategies to generate traffic to websites and! in case you didn’t know! it is also very useful for e-commerce.
SEO applied to e-commerce sites can bring great benefits! including increased sales.
However! this will not happen by magic and it will be necessary to resort to certain practices to achieve it.
Advantages of organic positioning in e-commerce
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)! as you already know! consists of the organic positioning of content in search engines .
When we say “organic” we mean unpaid! as it does not involve investing in ads. And! while this may sound quite attractive! it does require having the necessary knowledge to develop an effective SEO strategy.
But beyond the technical knowledge needed to implement an SEO strategy! after its implementation you could achieve benefits for your e-business! such as:
1. Get quality visits
If there is one thing that SEO can guarantee! it is that czech republic phone number data the visitors you receive on your site will be genuinely interested in your business.
By ranking within the first search results! people with a clear search intent regarding a product or service will reach your page! increasing the likelihood that they will become your customers.
According to Google figures! 94% of Latin Americans ej leads search online before making a purchase.
Can you imagine then the importance of appearing in the first search results! considering also that 75% of people do not go beyond the second page of the search engine? Well! with SEO you can achieve it.
2. Improve your CTR
The CTR or Click To Rate – the number of clicks a link seo positioning: bad practices to avoid receives in relation to its number of impressions – is not a metric to be overlooked! as it allows you to know if your pages are aligned with the search intent of users.
To have a high CTR! it is important that your page’s metadata – title! description and choice of keywords – have some relevance to the user.
This way! you will encourage your potential client to click on the content displayed in the search results.
3. Increase your sales
This is probably the benefit that is most relevant to you! but the truth is that you will not achieve it without first achieving the two previous points.
If you’re still not convinced! there are studies that reveal that 93% of shopping experiences begin in a web browser.
SEO positioning: how to improve sales?
To increase sales in your business with the help of SEO positioning! you must follow some basic practices that will give you visibility in search engines and! consequently! with your potential customers.
Research keywords
“Keywords” are the fundamental element for developing a strategy. Thanks to them! your content will be visible! but be careful! because you must choose words that users are actually using to buy.
Therefore! it is not the same to position a page with the word “leather shoes” than “buy black leather shoes”. The latter will be more accurate! since you already know that the intention of the person who is doing the search is to buy the specific item.
It is also important not to cannibalize keywords! that is! not to use the same term for two or more products! since they will end up competing in the search results and you certainly do not want to compete against yourself.