The goal of marketing should be to find out which half it is. In B2B, the situation is much more difficult, because they have to take into account the complexity of marketing activities, brand strength, market awareness, product, business model, sales team and, of course, the campaigns that serve it all in front of the right eyes.
The most challenging part is evaluating the success of campaigns. A visit to a website may not necessarily mean a relevant visit. This is very interesting information, but not very useful for business.
What a business needs versus what marketing can do for it
For marketers, the information about which specific company the visit came from is absolutely groundbreaking. In addition to all of the above, thailand telegram data thanks to the application , we know which specific company the visit came from. As the icing on the cake, thanks to Leady, we have complete information for the marketer .
In addition, he calls the company with the question: “.. we have noticed interest from your company in (product or service) and so I prefer to call you. Who is in charge of this at your company, please? Can you transfer me to him?”. Because this is not a cold call, but a callback for a specific event from the company , why invest in an air purifier? in the vast majority of cases the salesperson gets the ear of the person he really needs to talk to.
Marketing is also jubilant because it suddenly gives marketers relevant leads, which is one of the goals of B2B marketing , but it doesn’t happen because it’s not that easy. The hottest leads in B2B are the exception rather than the rule. That is, turkey data leads when someone calls saying they need something or fills out a contact form on a website.
From the application you will get the hottest potential customers. Information about companies that were interested in what you do, but did not take the final step – they contacted you. From experience, 96% of all companies that visit your website will reach this stage. They are interested, but do not take the final action.
Why do companies visit our website but not ask about our services?
Maybe because they are still searching. Maybe because they are still taking their time or making a decision. And that is the right time for a marketer to call a given company. Business is always about timing. Thanks to the application, marketing can evaluate specific marketing activities because it can filter company visits according to the UTM parameters that each campaign has. So you know which companies came from a Facebook campaign and which from the latest newsletter, for example.