Entrepreneurs are making great efforts to support employees in self-isolation while working remotely. It is quite difficult to maintain the internal uniqueness of the organization, a close-knit team, and corporate spirit. According to ESET research, the most popular way for businesses to help is to allocate a budget for lunch delivery so that employees do not have to spend time cooking. However, the longer the self-isolation lasts, the greater the role of non-trivial methods. Anastasia Ledeneva, Director of the HR Department at ESET Russia, explains how to successfully cope with this task.
Procrastination VS workaholism
Unfortunately, it is difficult to maintain balance in such accurate mobile phone number list a regime. Some employees allow themselves to take a nap for an hour or two during working hours, play video games. Self-control is further complicated by a large number of distractions: staff are distracted by household issues, activities with children, walking pets.
The other extreme is working 15 hours a day. Workaholics get into the flow and simply cannot stop, depriving themselves of sleep and rest unnecessarily. In such a regime, it is easy to harm mental and physical health.
Advice from ESET. Zen remotely
In 2020, it’s time to take a course on mindfulness and a he main problems in attracting healthy lifestyle. These areas save team communications from a crisis. Not only work, but also rest is under control! For example, at ESET we have a clear daily routine, which includes lunch breaks and coffee breaks. Employees are trained in meditation and ways to overcome stress. Mindfulness helps to stay calm, control emotions, stick to a routine and remain productive.
(Un)healthy lifestyle
In the office, constantly chewing at the table is extremely inconvenient, and impolite. At home, when the only witnesses are the cat and the refrigerator, your hands automatically reach for another chocolate bar. Frequent snacks, stress, a sedentary lifestyle – all this affects your appearance and well-being.
Advice from ESET: A healthy body means a productive mind
Perhaps one of the most vivid and memorable events contact lists was the “Antivirus Charge”. This healthy lifestyle flash mob was launched even before ESET completely switched to the remote office mode. The first time it was held by the company’s managing director right in the office, launching an online broadcast available to anyone.