To help you decide whether the investment of time and resources required to have an active presence on Twitter is worth it, today I want to explain the 6 benefits of promoting your company on Twitter.
6 benefits of promoting your business on Twitter
Thanks to the new changes recently introduced to the platform, you can now invite your customers to send you a private message with a single click and send them satisfaction surveys. In short, you have all the facilities to make your customer service more effective than ever.
1# Open new communication channels
One of the great benefits of Twitter is that it changes the customer service landscape completely, as it opens up a new channel through which you can be in constant contact with your followers.
Use your company
Twitter account to keep your followers up to date on your new products and services, as well as any changes to your features. But that’s not all: the “magic” of Twitter is that it is a horizontal and bidirectional channel, meaning that users can use it to communicate directly with you.
This allows you to respond
To their problems much more quickly and easily Netherlands whatsapp data through other traditional means, such as the phone.
2# Generate quality leads
Generating leads should be the first goal of promoting your business on Twitter. To Country List this, you can send tweets about your new products and special offers, always interspersing them with other non-promotional content. You can include links directly to your landing pages to maximize Panama Mobile Phone Numbers Example opportunities.
Another even more direct strategy for generating leads with
Twitter is to use Twitter Ads . Thanks to lead generation cards, you can encourage the recipients of your ad to send you their email with just one click. This way, you can create a list of users potentially interested in your brand that you will end up winning over through email marketing campaigns. You can segment your audience to be sure that you only reach the users that interest you, and you will only pay for each email generated.
Related article: “What is Twitter Ads”.
3# Show your brand’s personality
If you want to bring your brand to life, don’t hesitate to open a company Twitter account. Although the words “company” evoke seriousness and formality, your tweets can be as light-hearted as the spirit of your brand. Dare to use humor and show the most authentic side of your company and the people who work there.