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advertising, retargeting or artificial intelligence applied to mobile advertising.

But what is coming next in the mobile environment? I will summarize it in three concepts: Programmable Marketing 3.0, App Mobility and Mobile Header Bidding.

The 3 future trends of mobile advertising

Programmable Marketing 3.0

#1. Where do we come from?

Between 2005-2009 we were in a Qatar whatsapp data state of training in the digital advertising environment. We had to incorporate the emerging advantages of technology in marketing into our daily work, learn how to apply data to strategy and test & understand.

The next 5 years, from 2010 to 2015, came the 2.0 era: rapid escalation, enthusiasm and investment, iteration, testing the different devices on the market and #ATPG Automatic Test Pattern Generation; which is a technological method of automation that helps to test the guts of the devices properly.

And of course, we have reached version

3.0 of Programmable Marketing and we find that the reality at this time can be summarized in 3 key points:

Advanced application and analysis of  Big Data

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Open system versus closed system

Transparency and control
#2. What is the current reality of audiences? What we no longer doubt is that the smartphone is Country List king device, in Spain alone 72% of society has a smartphone, in the United Kingdom 68% and in the United States 57% of people. These people carry their mobile phone with them at all times and are susceptible to being impacted by advertisements at any time, although it is best to focus on the so-called Micro Moments – so called by

Google – and look at what times of the day they can occur:

While watching TV there is a high level of interaction with mobile devices , to distract oneself or to interact with television content.

While riding the train/subway to and from work

In the brief moments when we disconnect from the task we are doing to check social media.
To send or read messages. We live in the era of mobile messaging apps.
#3. What factors should we take into account when designing the strategy? Technological advances modify Argentina Mobile Phone Numbers Example actions and how they are implemented for the consumer every 5 years. At this time, it is essential to take into account:

Mobile accessories

Big Data
Mobile advertising formats and responsive designs
Mobile coverage
#4. Programmable Marketing. From here, Programmable Marketing must be put into action, taking into account all these audience and technology factors. With this form of marketing, any advertiser can apply their own intelligence to compete when it comes to increasing complex scenarios.

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