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ads campaigns
3.- go one step further by taking advantage of google smart bidding
3.1 what is smart bidding and its advantages and disadvantages
smart bidding is a google ads solution that is part of the automated bidding strategies that the company offers to advertisers who use its advertising platform.
Forget about raising and lowering bids, that’s kind of the promise
Google will do this for you and optimize them in each venezuela phone number list auction, taking into account a multitude of factors such as the operating system, the browser, the ad that has been shown, the specific query that has triggered the ad, whether it comes from a search partner, etc.
Smart bidding for google ads campaigns
as you can see, many of these signals are not controllable with manual bidding .
Furthermore, it is not humanly possible to achieve the level of bidding granularity that a system like smart bidding can provide.
Smart bidding’s repertoire of solutions includes:
maximize clicks.
Improved cpc.
Maximize conversions.
However, like all systems, it has its advantages and disadvantages, and we will break them down below.
hey are completely objective and may differ from those of other professionals
it allows us to considerably reduce the optimization time , which means that we are much less likely to encounter problems such as those we raised in the optimization section.
As a general rule, he usually achieves the roas and cpa objectives that we set for him, without requiring any effort from us. That is, as long as he has previously bu leads suggested said objective to us, as we will see later.
As we mentioned, it takes into account such a broad context of signals that a human couldn’t reach. It adjusts the bid in each situation and it really translates into results.
it gives us very little control. In some of the bidding systems, it ignores ecommerce showdown for 2024 our device bid adjustments. It doesn’t require us to add negatives, or adjust bids for audiences, etc. It does it all on its own, for better or worse.
In response to some changes, it may suffer imbalances. As we mentioned, for example, it does not need us to add negatives, as it is capable of learning which searches are not profitable.